white polyester fabric printed with the phrase horizontal waves of gold on a black background, like ripples spreading outward loosely structured shirt on a hanger, with characteristic ondule cells of closer and looser density matted piece with organic blotches of pink and blue, and an intricate squiggle of green sqaures of bright wool floats zigzag at varying rates; an overshot piece circles of deeply textured waffle weave open up between denser areas of pink silk a yellow cloth letting sunlight through, where a grid of warp has been burned away close-up of a green squiggle, built up by incremental movements back and forth, bound under warp threads small square of waffle weave held by the leaf of a plant in front of a blue wall


Ondulé is a rare technique that bends the typical right-angle grid of warp and weft into gently pulsing curves, expanding and contracting. I learned to weave waves this way, using a fan reed and fine adjustments, from Amy Putansu. In many small studies over the course of her workshop, I practiced and played with the effect, applying it to waffle, overshot, leno, and double weave, as well as devoré, warp painting, and disperse dyeing. At the end, I wove some subtly undulating linen yardage with a few green stripes, and made a shirt out of it, with more where that came from.